速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Caribbean Recipe Land

Caribbean Recipe Land


檔案大小:15.5 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Caribbean Recipe Land(圖1)-速報App

Welcome to the land of Caribbean Recipe, a small land in the huge land called TheCookingMAP that we are perfecting each day.

In TheCookingMAP, each land is regarded as an individual passion, which brings explorers with the deepest and most interesting experience of their favorite dishes. You are now in Caribbean Recipe Land, the exclusive land for those who love Caribbean recipes. It certainly astonishes the Caribbean recipes fans when they visit this place because the best Caribbean recipes are compiled here.

This land helps you explore numerous places:

• Central American Caribbean Recipes

• Cuban Recipes

• Jamaican Recipes

• Puerto Rican Recipes

And delicious food you can do yourself:

Caribbean Recipe Land(圖2)-速報App

• Caribbean Pasta with Shrimp

• Colorful Caribbean Sweet Potato Salad

• Caribbean Chicken Salad

• Caribbean Zucchini Bread

• Caribbean Beef Loin Steaks

• …

Passionate cooks like us are trying our best to give you the greatest Caribbean recipes.

Caribbean Recipe Land is not just an open tool for you to turn on and then turn off. In fact, it is expected to be a loyal companion on the way of conquering cooking tops. Not only does it bring us great experiences but it also simplifies cooking recipes. Don’t hesitate, let's explore right now!

Caribbean Recipe Land(圖3)-速報App

• Eat today?: You are wondering how to cook a Caribbean today. Caribbean Recipe Land will suggest the best recipes to you.

• Smart Cooking: It is easy to adjust ingredients to match the number of people in a specific meal. In addition, you can also record important notes in the cooking process thanks to the "Note" section.

• {Special} Follow: You are a fan of Cuban Recipes, Jamaican Recipes, or you just want to learn some kinds of Caribbean recipes, you can turn on “Follow” feature to keep track of the most-focused topics. As soon as there is a new recipe, you will receive a notification so that you will not miss any delicious recipes. Especially, your home screen is also personalized based on the theme you follow.

• Favorite: The "Favorite" feature will help you save your favorite Caribbean recipes. This list is synchronized and can be seen on any devices.

• {Special} Shopping List: Instead of wasting time to take paper notes, you can manage your shopping list easily on your phones. Moreover, we will help you find the best branded products and suggestions according to your shopping list as well as the mentioned ingredients just by a few clicks.

• {Special} Search: Are you looking for a formula? This work is now like a piece of cake thanks to some options such as searching by list ingredient, time, categories and so on. Also, you can freely mix your favorite selections to meet your own expectation.

• Ultimate Caribbean recipes: You will start with 365 Caribbean recipes available, then new recipes will be updated daily, free and lifetime.

• More: With the desire to bring users the best experience, our team is working day and night to update many new features. Thus, we always hope to liven up your cooking passion.

Caribbean Recipe Land(圖4)-速報App

TheCookingMAP - Way to Touch Treasure of Cooking

Caribbean Recipe Land(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad